Passing around some up-and-are-you-coming events…
DETAILS follow this summary.

This guy makes everything he does FUN & INTERESTING. Among his subjects are music, horror and films.
Mon. Aug. 7 1-3 p Bob, Beatles, Byrds (in person) $50 Nassau Comm. College
Wed. Aug. 9 6:30-8 pm Beatles on Dylan, Dylan on Beatles (free) Mineola Library
Mon., Aug. 14 1-3 pm Birth of Psychedelic Rock (in person) $32 LIU Post
Mon. Aug. 21 1-2:30 pm Crosby, Stills Nash and Young (virtual) $30 LIU Post
Fri. Aug. 25 1-2:30 pm Dylan and the Beatles (free) Elmont Library
Sat. Aug. 12 7-9 pm Half Step Grateful Dead cover band (free) Lakeside Theater Eisenhower Park
Wed. Aug. 23 11 am @ Bayard Cutting Arboretum in Great River - devotional on the great lawn followed by lunch in the onsite Hidden Oak Café. Tip: Save room for dessert or do takeout. Their bakery is amazing!
As John Denver sings...we share poems, prayers and promises…
– Eileen has offered to introduce “Courage” for our consideration...
Optional: Bring a favorite book, poem or item that encourages you…
Sat. Aug. 26 7:30 pm Conversations of Consequence (discussion around a specific topic)
Sun. Aug. 27 5 pm Movie night & dinner
Mon. Aug. 28 12:30 pm Lunch and devotional on "friendship". Bring a reading or music on this topic.
Currently, many of these are recurring events. If you have questions about these events such as the locations, theme or topic or what to bring, please contact me:
(cell) 516-850-2493
Mondays thru 9/11 7 pm @ Schoolhouse Green Gazebo 1 Foxhurst Road, Oceanside, NY (Free) Bring a chair or blanket. See more in the DETAILS section below.
Eileen and I have been gathering live and online with these amazing change-makers.
What's affected me the most is to actually sit across the table from someone that's been impacted by various forms of discrimination.
This is much more powerful than seeing these injustices on TV...or reading about them in a book...
Bellport NY - Meet at 5 pm by the Peace Pole @ South Country Library. See DETAILS section for more info.

Tai Chi
Tuesday & Thursday 7:30-9 am Tai Chi @ Hempstead Lake State Park
All Year - On low fishing pier Park in Fields 2&3
Greatly helping improve my attention, balance and flexibility. My friend Richie is a gifted and patient teacher.
Men2Men Monthly Circle
2nd Saturday 8-9:30 am @ Sisters of St. Joseph Bldg #4 1725 Brentwood Road Brentwood, NY
Begins with a full cafeteria breakfast...then we go upstairs to our meeting room to chew on life and a topic TOGETHER
Witches Brew Coffee House
Wed.-Sun. 12 pm-12 am @ 311 Hempstead Turnpike W. Hempstead, NY
If you're a newcomer, I'll buy the first round! :)))
Playing for Change
If I'm ever stranded on a desert island and could only get on streaming would be one connected to these folks...who are changing the world through music.
See DETAILS below the musical interlude for more mind, body, spirit SELF CARE...
Key tip: Beat the last-minute rush…REGISTER NOW…
...BUT…Don’t skip this inspiring film (there's more about it in the DETAILS section):
Musical Interlude...
Before RUSHing for the details (click here) to the above soul-nourishers, here are some funnies plus three tunes for your listening and dancing pleasure...

And for those of us not used to eating in former mansions like the one that houses the Hidden Oak Café at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum:

Let's try to remember that some of life's stuff - things that affect us and others -takes time to heal...

Hello Constituency,
Here is my August 2023 calendar of events. I ask that you hold on to this email so you can reference it as needed.
As far as Adult Education goes, I'll be doing a three different classes for Hutton House. On Monday, August 14 we will be doing the Birth of Psychedelic Rock (in person), Monday August 21 Crosby, Stills Nash and Young (virtual) and August 28 History of Spaghetti Westerns (virtual). Sign up right here: . Also, I'll be returning to Nassau Community College for some daytime adult education. On Monday August 7 I'll be doing The Three B's, Bob, Beatles and the Byrdsin person at 1pm. Sign up here: I'll be on vacation in July, hence scant offerings that month.
Library Presentations Wednesday, July 26 1pm Bryant library (in person) Film Noir Theater- Having a Ball with Lucille Ball LURED (1947)
Friday, July 28 1pm East Meadow library The Horror of Party Beach (1964) Film screening Tuesday, August 1 2pm Harborfields library Dylan/Beatles Friday, August 4 1pm East Meadow library The Monster of Piedras Blancas (1959) Film screening
Wednesday, August 9 6:30pm Mineola Library Beatles on Dylan, Dylan on Beatles
***Call to register: 516-746-8488
Tuesday, August 15 1pm Bryant library (virtual) The Midnight Special (American TV show featuring classic rock acts) Friday, August 25 1pm Elmont library Dylan/Beatles No pre-registration needed...Walk right in...
Wednesday, August 30 1pm Bryant library Film (in person) Film Noir Theater: Having a Ball with Lucille Ball The Dark Corner (1946) In between these listed programs I'm usually booked by private organizations which of course I don't list here. If you are part of any of these organizations my bookings will be listed on their calendars.
Folks, I ask that you please register at each library for each presentation or screening, as these days libraries seem to require this.
Also, I know many of you may already know this, but I have a side business that specializes in transferring 8mm, super 8mm and 16mm to disc or thumb drive. I can also put VHS & Beta to disc, 8mm video to disc, etc...So feel free to email me or hit me up after a presentation if you are in need of such services. I can supply testimonials as well. As always, I thank each and every one of you for your support. Kindest regards, Keith J. Crocker Cinematic Seminars


Mondays thru 9/11 7 pm @ Schoolhouse Green Gazebo 1 Foxhurst Road, Oceanside, NY (Free) Bring a chair or blanket. See more in the details section below.

Eileen and I have been participating in these wonderful multicultural, multi-ethnic gatherings - a few where we sat in circle at Long Island's Bayard Cutting Arboretum State Park in Great River. We meet and often eat together to consider how WE can do more than merely coexist...HOW we can flourish, as we join our diverse backgrounds into the melting pot others have envisioned. IT IS POSSIBLE!!!
I've posted about these new friends in several places. Here are a few:



Tai Chi
Tuesday & Thursday 7:30-9 am Tai Chi @ Hempstead Lake State Park
All Year - On low fishing pier
Park in Fields 2&3 and walk across the road to the pier.

Tai Chi…TOM-a-Son, Lake & Calmer (01:36)
Men2Men Monthly Circle
2nd Saturday 8-9:30 am @ Sisters of St. Joseph Bldg #4 1725 Brentwood Road Brentwood, NY
We begin with a full cafeteria breakfast...then go upstairs TOGETHER to our meeting room to chew on life via a topic and short presentation introduced by that month's facilitator.
Our group developed from Illuman - the organization that was formed to carry on the early mens' work of Franciscan Richard Rohr.
Illuman exists to help men do their inner, spiritual work to become healthier and more authentic human beings. We do this work through our Men’s Rites of Passage, Council Circles (both in-person and virtual), national gatherings, and local chapter offerings.
Founded in 2012 by the Franciscan mystic and teacher Richard Rohr, we are non-denominational, interfaith, and spiritually inclusive, welcoming all male-identified persons to our work without regard for your religion, race, ethnicity, class, education, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that might make you feel excluded. Source: Illuman
Witches Brew Coffee House
Wed. - Sun. 12 pm-12 am @ 311 Hempstead Turnpike W. Hempstead, NY
If you're a newcomer, I'll buy the first round! :)))
I've cited this great place in almost 120 posts. Here's one from April 20, 2023:

Playing for Change
If I'm ever stranded on a desert island and could only get on streaming would be one connected to these folks...who are changing the world through music.

--post has links to their musical offerings
As part of their mission they create music programs in under-served parts of our shared world so children and adults can experience the power of music.
Find a practice and do it B.I.D. or PRN
Many years ago, my family was introduced to the Centering Prayer form of meditation. Been sitting twice a day for 20 minutes since then. We were fortunate to learn from one of the originators: Fr. Thomas Keating.
For info: Contemplative Outreach
Kundalini Yoga (or other types)
I was introduced to this practice over 6 years ago when the Town of Hempstead offered classes at nearby Echo Park. One of the unexpected benefits has been my awakening to the world of fact, music from all around our shared world.
This discovery came when I did my practice at home and listened to the same artist our teacher played in class: Snatum Kaur. As I listened and my viewing habits were seen by Yogi YouTube and Guru Google, I started getting recommendations...and followed them...greatly expanding my musical universe...
For Kundalini info: 3HO
Here's one of my favorite and rockin' Kundalini musicians:

Not surprisingly, this dude's favorite band is the Grateful Dead.
GuruGanesha's signature Grateful Dead-inspired guitar lays a lush bed under this song about the journey of life, reminding us that inner peace can be found at any moment if we stop, slow down, and witness the exquisite perfection in the world around us. (Source)
Influenced by the music of Jerry Garcia and the GratefulDead, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton, his life of spiritual exploration adds a depth to his songs that transcends genre. GuruGanesha creates music that carries a profound wisdom that only comes with the experience of facing our shadows with love and acceptance. (Source)
Dancing Bear Poses...


Jerry Garcia Week (Aug. 1-Aug. 9)
Last evening under the combined influences of a FULL MOON and Jerry's Birthday...I added these new reflections...As it unfolded, the heightened illumination began uncovering some DARK SPACES: The residential schools where children in the US and Canada were forcibly separated from their families and their cultures in order...
"to kill the the man"

...More to I learn history I was never taught.
As the band tells us in "Scarlet Begonias":

Here’s the first of last August's 9 post reflections on the life of this amazing, imaginative, passionate human being. The others followed sequentially…
Post opens with this…
SUNRISE: August 1, 1942

Sunrise - Sunset...
"...what matters most of all was the dash between the years..."
The Dash Poem by Linda Ellis
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning to the end.
He noted first came the date of the birth and spoke the following date with tears. But he said what mattered most of all was the dash between the years.
For that dash represents all the time that they spent life on Earth. And now only those who loved them know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own, the cars, the house, the cash. What matters is how we live and love, and how we spend our dash.
So, think about this long and hard. Are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what’s true and real, and always try to understand the way other people feel.
Be less quick to anger and show appreciation more, and love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile, remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy is being read with your life’s actions to rehash, would you be proud of the things they say about how you spent your dash?

#music #humor #inspiration #KeithCrocker #Bahai #BayardCuttingArboretum #HalfStepBand #LindaEllis #JerryGarcia #EllaFitzgerald #SarahVaughan #AugustRush #TrevorHall #MulticulturalSolidarityOfLIFriendshipCircles #TaiChi #KundaliniYoga #CenteringPrayer #ThomasKeating #GuruGaneshaSingh #meditation