…in the store…on my table…and now, in my body…
This evening, Eileen and I will be feasting with friends from Multicultural Solidarity of LI's Friendship Circles & a LI contingent of members of the Baha'i's. I have written about these wonderful change-makers in other posts. See links at end of the post.
Around the horn…on this morning’s breakfast table:
Coconut wraps from the Philippines
Guacamole from Mexico
Kimchi from Korea
Hummus from the Mideast
Cultured coconut from the tropics
Sardines in olive oil from the world’s seas
Dates rolled in coconut
A cornucopia of PRO-biotic foods…Supporting LIFE!

To my Multicultural Solidarity of LI Friendship Circles & Baha'i Fellowship Friends:
Looking forward to breaking bread and foods of many nations with each of you this evening…

Who’s Driving the Bus?
Notice the gender…

HONDA: 4-Wheel Version

Who doesn’t love the Honda Accord? #carmemes #cars #honda #humor (00:47) Note: It's only 16 seconds then repeats...Hmm...Stuck in 1st gear?
The car salesman closes his monologue with a play-on-words mention of "eisigesis."
For a serious inquiry into HOW scholars and others take original material from oral and written sources and then present it to us through one of more filters, try searching for these terms:
Remember, one of these filters...IS US. I was introduced to this perspective by my Franciscan guru: Fr. Richard Rohr.

This was part of a week-long series entitled "How We See."
Learning How to See: Weekly Summary (contains links to full meditation texts for the week)
HONDA: 2-Wheelin’
Video with fun Honda images
Our car salesman said that even young kids dig "tuners." Here's a visual meaning of this car class...or, classy cars...C'mon, we've all seen these guys...Revving it up at the RED light...to see who can get to the next RED light FIRST.

--Shown in the video, New Dock St is by Terminal Island in LA.
Hey, LA is where the car culture began...
For more food...Oops...for more information
“The most radical thing we can do…is to introduce people to one another.” --Building Bridges of Brookhaven
This post provides highlights and contact information for both Multicultural Solidarity & Baha'i plus a lot of helpful resources...and, of course...A LOT OF MUSIC to help us experience our inter-connectivity.
I've included information about both groups in other posts. Just search for "Multicultural Solidarity" or "Baha'i" .
I love the MCS logo and wear my pin wherever I go...It has started some interesting conversations...Most recent was two days ago in my local post office. Woman asked about it and took a photo of the button and ten we shared stories for over a half hour.

Post Post Script
Why I'm learning and writing about this topic and other forms of racism
A few years ago, Eileen and I had the good fortune to be introduced to Multicultural Solidarity of Long Island and their Friendship Circles. During one of these meetings, we were invited to sit in circle with members of the Shinnecock Nation at their home on the East End of LI. This face-to-face encounter began a heart-opening awareness of a chapter of our American history that I was never taught. And this led me to become a student - so I could learn and pass along the stories of what really happened as a result of colonization.
This same heart transformation is occurring through our participation with members of Long Island's Baha'i Fellowship. We met this wonderful group of people through the Multicultural folks. As I've written in other posts, our Baha'i gatherings in peoples' homes and at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum State Park enable us to meet with members of other races who have been and still are mistreated because people with white skin think they that their white skin pigmentation makes them superior.
For me, the biggest impact is happening as I share space with my fellow human travelers...hear their personal stories...share a meal with them...laugh and cry with them...These close encounters are much more powerful than simply reading a book or watching a documentary about the various forms of discrimination.
Come join us...