
Associate ourselves with change makers...

Music is an Instrument for Change

Let's teach our children well...
"Teach Your Children" - CSN&Y
You, who are on the road Must have a code That you can live by And so become yourself Because the past is just a goodbye Teach your children well Their father's hell Did slowly go by And feed them on your dreams The one they pick's The one you'll know by Don't you ever ask them, "Why?" If they told you, you would cry So, just look at them and sigh And know they love you And you of tender years (Can you hear and do you care) Can't know the fears (And can you see) That your elders grew by (We must be free) And so please help (To teach your children) Them with your youth (What you believe in) They seek the truth (Make a world) Before they can die (That we can live in) Teach your parents well Their children's hell Will slowly go by And feed them on your dreams The one they pick's The one you'll know by Don't you ever ask them, "Why?" If they told you, you would cry So, just look at them and sigh And know they love you

--Be sure to continue watching after the song ends for the backstory...


Still don't know what I was waiting for And my time was running wild, a million dead-end streets and Every time I thought I'd got it made It seemed the taste was not so sweet So I turned myself to face me But I've never caught a glimpse Of how the others must see the faker I'm much too fast to take that test Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes, don't want to be a richer man Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes, just gonna have to be a different man Time may change me But I can't trace time Oh yeah I watch the ripples change their size But never leave the stream of warm impermanence and So the days float through my eyes But still the days seem the same And these children that you spit on As they try to change their worlds Are immune to your consultations They're quite aware of what they're going through Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes, don't tell them to grow up and out of it Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes, where's your shame? You've left us up to our necks in it Time may change me But you can't trace time Strange fascination, fascinating me Ah, changes are taking the pace I'm going through Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes, oh, look out you rock 'n rollers Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes, pretty soon now you're gonna get older Time may change me But I can't trace time I said that time may change me But I can't trace time

Notice...love them...and move on and find a new crowd...

Make Change Our Daily Practice...
Snapped this a few days ago while accompanying a friend to his medical appointment:

Start small...
put on a different shoe or sock first
eat with a different hand
have your coffee in a different cup
your ideas...
A Time of Unveiling...
Apocalyptic Hope: A Time of Unveiling - Center for Action and Contemplation Sunday, April 25, 2021
[from this meditation] We called this year’s theme “A Time of Unveiling.” For many of us, the word “apocalypse” conjures thoughts of the rapture, fear, a vengeful God, and violent and exclusive religion. It is an overwhelming judgment on Western Christianity that it is drawn to such beliefs. But despite its misuse, I’m convinced the biblical meaning of apocalypse is a helpful and ultimately hopeful framework.
A quick etymology of the word will help: kaluptein is the Greek word for “to cover” and apo means “un,” so apokaluptein means to uncover or unveil. While we primarily use the word “apocalypse” to mean to destroy or threaten, in its original context,
apocalypse simply meant to reveal something new. The key is that in order to reveal something new, we have to get the old out of the way.
I begin my book Eager to Love with these poetic words from Neale Donald Walsch that put this quite nicely.
"Yearning for a new way will not produce it. Only ending the old way can do that. You cannot hold onto the old all the while declaring that you want something new. The old will defy the new; the old will deny the new; the old will decry the new. There is only one way to bring in the new. You must make room for it."
--Neale Donald Walsch
Transcend and Include...

[from this meditation] David Benner, a friend and wise teacher, has been a part of several Christian traditions over the years, including fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and now contemplative Anglicanism. Of the spiritual journey he writes:
Identifying and embracing your lineage is an important part of any pathway to greater wholeness because it involves remembering your own story. All the parts of your journey must be woven together if you are to transcend your present organization and level of consciousness. For myself, the great challenge was re-embracing traditions that I have grown beyond and that offered—even at the time—an oppressively small worldview. I did not want to be an ex-evangelical or an ex-fundamentalist. Too many people live that life of dis-identification, and I did not want to share their anger and “stuckness.” It was essential, therefore, for me to identify and embrace the gifts that had come to me from these traditions. This was the way in which I came to know that everything in my life belongs, that every part of my story has made important contributions to who I am. And the same is true for you. (more in the next link)
"I was so much older then...I'm younger than that now..."

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