Yes, "Weir" a cult…a KULTure of KINDness…

At higher levels, we’ve even professed VOWS…
“The first one’s the hardest one
Don’t you worry any more…”
The tribe will help you to…

Now 74, and fresh from 3 days in a local hospital because my “eyes were seeing double”…I’m aware that “the wheel is turning and you can’t slow down…”
I've also lived long enough to "know all the rules by now...and the fire from the ice..."
So, naturally I’m wondering, “What’s next?”
[FYI - Another band says it like this: “WHO’s Next?]
At the same time, I’m also trying to simplify my sometimes over-complicating mind…
SO, I can stay focused on the MAJORS…and so not get distracted by the minors…
As I SEE it, when the FAT LADY SINGS…these words from “Sugaree”:
"When they come to take you down
When they bring that wagon 'round
When they come to call on you
And drag your poor body down"
And I'm standing B4 ol St. Peter at the Pearlies, he’s only gonna ask ME one question…
So, prepare for your finals and…

Better watch out...better not shout...CAWS "the crow told me...the only song he knows..."
"It's the same story the crow told me
It's the only one he know
Like the morning sun you come
And like the wind you go"

--(from this HuffPost article) The answer was for the Grateful Dead to approach philanthropy in the same way they had approached everything else: try not to control it, try not to define it, but always allow for enough flexibility to adapt to the possibilities and needs of a perpetually changing world. Click above link for Furthur reading…
Also check out the other posts about how the individual members GIVE BACK:
Mickey Hart has been working with world-class scientists like Dr. Adam Gazzaley to find ways to use music to help folks like me - with more than a Touch of Grey - help us with cognitive impairment issues. Just before Covid, I was at an amazing presentation Mickey and Doc did at NYC's Museum of Natural History and Hayden Planetarium.
NOTE: Among the PRAYlist (at the end) of all songs in this post is "The Wheel." To highlight the band's own practice of BEING KIND and GIVING BACK, I chose a version they performed at Farm Aid in 1986. from the video's description: "Farm Aid was started by Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp in 1985 to keep family farmers on the land and has worked since then to make sure everyone has access to good food from family farmers. Dave Matthews joined Farm Aid's board of directors in 2001."

While he walked among us, Jerry made more than a few ripples in the fabric of time...and they're still moving among us...

"Reach out your hand if your cup be empty
If your cup is full may it be again
Let it be known there is a fountain
That was not made by the hands of men
There is a road, no simple highway
Between the dawn and the dark of night
And if you go no one may follow
That path is for your steps alone"
NOTE: I chose Playing for Change's version of "Ripple" to emphasize our theme of BEING KIND. For starters, it includes the generous contributions of the Grateful Dead Family: Jerry's daughter Keelin Garcia as well as drummer Bill Kreutzmann - supporting the work of another GIVING BACK organization: Playing for Change - a musical group I often feature in my posts. This PFC version also features the GIVING BACK/BEING KIND talents of: Jimmy Buffett at Long Island's Montauk Lighthouse, David Crosby and the Chicago Children's Choir.
The Playing for Change 501c3 Foundation builds and supports music programs in under-served parts of our shared concert hall (our world) - so children can grow up experiencing the benefits of music.
"He's come to take his children home..."

Lest you get the impression that I'm putting Jerry and the Band on a PEDESTAL...
...G-d rest ye merry gentlemen...women...others...Pranksters...they're just playing in the band on a PEDAL STEEL.
For FURTHUR proof that "my intentions are good"...check out another post:
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