Alternate titles:
It's all happenin' at the Gazebo
A "him" to homonyns
"Runes" of an ancient seafarer *
* in my former life, O Theophilus, I was an ocean rider (surfer)
Poem/Post inspired by one of several Summer of 2023 excursions to the "Poetry Under the Stars" events at the Oceanside, NY Gazebo on Foxhurst Road. Thanks to caffeinated poet Mary Phillips for the initial invitation. Another plus, was reconnecting with old friends...Bookends...and Poets: AnnE and Joe Coen...
I will be sharing this at tonight's "Poetry Open Mic Night" at the Long Beach Public Library. Runs the 2nd Wednesday of every month 6:30-8:30. See link for details.
Okay, enough gabbing...
..Now, after the fox...
START: The Morning After a Night at the Gazebo
Last evening Eileen and I went back to the Gazebo on Oceanside’s Schoolhouse Green for our second “Poetry Under the Stars” event. As was the case last week, we went to hear a friend’s spoken words.
I woke up this morning and went from bed to verse…
Dear Cadence, glad you came here last night
Miss Spelling mused about 4-letter words
Said while 3 is Trinitarian
4 is Humanitarian
Her first name has 4 - ending with "e"
Herman my Dad his ended with "n"
2 that is
And to emphasize this when my last name is misspelled
I say yes while I’m a Titt MANN
I’m also a leg man
Of 4-letter words I was waiting to hear 1
And I was in luck
1 gal had the pluck to actually say _ _ _ _
Some used their pauses
Another her paw’s
All spoke from their lives and
1 from her best friend’s
1 that is…not feline 9
They spoke with their bodies
1 added purple plumage
Memories emerged and with them emotions
Of loved ones now gone but never forgotten
1 shared things not often spoken
His words sounded like mine
His inner world now exposed
Awakening compassion
But also concern
Wondering where it will go
I’ve been in my mind it’s such a fine mind
Ah, but 1 reader reminded us of a place even better…it’s heart shaped…a shelter from the storm
Another’s project brought us to the projects
Powerfully, she demanded respect
1 offered bacon and repeatedly so
At 1 more mention I was ready to show her I’m not to proud to beg or rub against her leg
Reader, remember that “god” is just “dog” spelled backwards
“Ennui” was introduced - a word not often heard
And certainly not experienced by any listeners on the Green…
…As we were collectively and individually being transported to lofty and deeply spacious places.
Had to interject an adverb or 2 to pay homage to one of the evening’s wordsmiths
Big bright Green pleasure machine
“Ennui” was paired with “Henry” - possibly by the artist who counted cross stiches…
---Was it Henri the First…or the Eighth?
Or the hippie on his mission across the border below?
The New Riders "Henry" looking for the "keys" to turn a profit down south in
May He Ko?
As I shared this that morning, Eileen broke her silence
with a memory that's fit
Seems Herman the Hermit like every proper Brit
never pronounces his "H's"
Giving us "enry"... N...R...Eee
Reminded me too that the poet whose first name included an "e"
Also complained when folks added an "h"
to her 4-letter last name
Mixing her with rabbi's and guys named "Myron"
Is counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
The same as on Foxhurst Road?
Together, as fellow humans, we sat under the stars
And allowed the words of the poets to show us our commonality - each in their own ways
Dear Canine, glad you came out last night…
"Dog" is "God" spelled backwards...
People of Galilee...Why do you stand looking up?
Sirius Astrology
"Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars. It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It also gives danger of dog bites, and two examples of this effect will be found..." in this article: SOURCE
"If you remember the '60's..."
"Harry Belafonte gives an inspirational introduction to the original production of HAIR on the 1969 Tony Awards (cast includes Melba moore and Ben Vareen)"
On the Subject of Coens, Cohens, Kohens & Moylls
Experiencing our COMMONALITY...
--Their song "A Soul in Wonder" was the inspiration for the name of my site:
The words of the prophets are written on subway walls, tenement halls…and pick up trucks…
Kid's got a Grateful Dad... bought the youngun' floor seats...
This next one's no images...
"There's a Grateful Dead song for every occasion..."
So says my friend Steve...a fellow surfer and the Guru who taught me to "play with cars" as he called fixing our VW's - his Beetle and my '65 Bus....His tutelage led to a success FULL CAReer...
YouTuber added " Dedicated to Rachel T. and the brave firefighters in Australia "
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#music #humor #poetry #MaryPhillips #AnneCoen #JoeCoen #LongBeachPublicLibrary #OceansideNY #dogs #God #BahaMen #5thDimension #Aquarius #Hair #HarryBelafonte #MelBrooks #Beatles #Miten #DevaPremal #NeilYoung #SimonAndGarfunkle #Temptations #HermansHermits #NewRidersOfThePurpleSage #DavidBowie #JohnDenver #JerryGarciaBand #BobDylan #GratefulDead