"Greetings, Pilgrim, your search has ended." (early TV slogan for the Yuban Coffee Company). Actually, I hope your search is just beginning or continuing. Consider this is a stop over - a rest area on the road of life.
This roadhouse features good vittles: music, humor, cool images and a combo of mindful & mindless gumbo.
This oasis is my way to pay it forward by sharing what's been freely given to me - what's helping my journey. What you'll find here is offered in the spirit of one pilgrim showing another pilgrim where I've found bread. Mangia!
P.S. I hope you'll also share your bread with me!
“To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.” José Ortega y Gasset
“Remember, mystery isn’t something that you cannot understand—it is something that you can endlessly understand! There is no point at which you can say, “I’ve got it.” Always and forever, mystery gets you!”
― Richard Rohr, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation
“All theological language is an approximation, offered tentatively in holy awe. That’s the best human language can achieve. We can say, “It’s like—it’s similar to…,” but we can never say, “It is…” because we are in the realm of beyond, of transcendence, of mystery. And we must—absolutely must—maintain a fundamental humility before the Great Mystery. If we do not, religion always worships itself and its formulations and never God.”
― Richard Rohr, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation
--Richard Rohr
Soul in Wonder - Deva Premal & Miten (their song is my inspiration for the site name)
"Many human beings simply haven’t found their own blueprint or soul, so they cannot see it anywhere else. (Like knows like!) Instead, most religious people are largely conformists. There’s nothing wrong with conformity as such, but when it is only meeting reality at the external level, and we do not meet our own soul, we have no ability to meet the soul of anything else either. We would have done much better to help other Christians discover their souls instead of 'save' them. My sense, after being a priest for almost 50 years, is that most Christians are trying to save something they have not even found." Richard Rohr (cited here)
The Soul Within - GuruGanesha Band (saw them live - fun and uplifting!)
Kabir's Song - Snatam Kaur
"O my soul
You come and you go
Through the paths
Of time and space..."
"Walk such a path
With all your faith
You'll never have
To wander again..."
In the Light of my Soul & What You Won't Do for Love - GuruGanesha Band
Lest we all take Ourselves and Life too seriously - all the time - here's another look at soul power...
Soul Man - The Blues Brothers on Saturday Night Live

about (face)
Laughter is the best medicine. Through music, humor and images, I muse about what I'm experiencing as I take in each breath and behold the wonders of this created world. To date, I've made 76 circuits around our sun and when folks ask, "How ya doin'?" I tell 'em, "More parts work than don't!"
As you check out the site, you're likely to find that my views about things are subject to change. That's because, like our expanding universe, I also am evolving. History demonstrates the reality of change. Prior to Galileo, most viewed the world as flat. Beatniks, like Maynard G. Krebs, thought it was square(sville). And today...it still all depends on who you ask and how well they see.
Currently, the main parts of the site are:
Blog - my wanderings and wonderings about life
Trail Guides - other souls that have and are still feeding mine
Musical Medicine - folks whose art helps me perform at my best & dance thru the journey
Wandering Minstrels - spoken word soldiers using words & music as their ammunition
Mens' Journey - men-to-men, shoulder-to-shoulder resources for the trek
Newsletters - new & updated blog posts, current events, new pages & revisions to current pages

live long and prosper--other worlds are watching --all ya need is LOVE-----a horse and a cow and 3 blide mice sat on a curbstone shooten dice the horse foot sliped and fell on the mice woops said the mouses theres a horsy on me--bronx ny guy--only 93 yrs old --rembers--------do you?-----i love bing crosby sing to me!----- met his 2nd wife 25 yrs ago just died--may she rest in peace------and life goes on!--g-d in tora says--nobody dies they recycle again and again--SOAL-lives on------space ailens hate humans-as they kill eachother--stop wars---bad for your health-----and universe---- trumping along---by now------mk1931@juno.com-- ufoligist----projectionist----and morE--------😀