Fellow Pilgrims: This serves - first, as a "welcome-to-your-new-home" card for my guitar- & drum-playing therapist. I see him whenever I'm "outta strings" (strung out) & BEFORE :)))
Second, as a intro to some folks that serve a musical shamans - as they dispense their musical medicine around our shared globe...

This house was built by the country western singer/songwriter, Elvis Carden. One website states that it took 16 years to complete and was the inspiration for his album "Living in an Old Guitar." (Literally?) The current owner inherited the property and has it listed with an asking price of $160,000 with a note that it needs complete rehab. If you do a quick Google search for Guitar House Fayetteville, GA, you will find that this home has been featured on many websites.

Blessings coming in...Blessings going out...


Back in my day, whenever this next song started playing on a transistor radio, we all looked around for something on which to bang along with...school desk top, car hood, garbage can cover...our stomachs...Later on in this post, Grateful Dead drummer says the same thing about his own youth days...

Equal Opportunity Time...Keeper

"Pick up"..."Stick" up... Lines...

Drummers Giving Back...Music as Medicine...
--The beat of the drums has been a welcome sound to many residents of the Edgemoor Skilled Nursing Facility. Sundiata Kata has been bringing his passion and drums to Edgemoor for the past 2 years, and he's personally seen the healing effects it has to those that drum along with him.
Doctors of Music & Neuroscience "play" together to better understand our brains...
In 2018, I got to see these two doctors (of Music & Neuroscience) at NYC's Hayden Planetarium in a program called "The Music of the Spheres" or, “Musica Universalis: The Greatest Story Ever Told"...
Dr. Gazzaley began by projecting in the ceiling of the Planetarium a moving, energy-charged depiction of the origins of the universe...Then, Mickey donned a special skull cap that captured and displayed his brain waves on the same ceiling while he played a unique stringed instrument he designed called "The Beam"...To "Seymour", check out the Eyewitness News link below.
--Mickey is shown playing an instrument he designed that he calls "The Beam"...
Check out his Dead earpiece:

--includes short video (02:42) AND this gem...
--includes a short video (01:32)
After Hours Club...
--lots more "space" to describe and enjoy now what went on during these cosMICK shows...
As Mickey imagined when he first met the Grateful Dead...they would take the music AROUND THE WORLD...This dream became a reality...and is still unfolding. Enjoy this closing set...
