This last in this Semana Santa (Holy Week) series will hopefully tie some threads together...OR, where needed, will allow some to unravel...
After many hours of contemplating the questions that arise about who Jesus was and why he "fell to Earth"...I offer this: to demonstrate his SOLIDARITY with our human condition...He came as ONE of us...(please see the "Praying in Solidarity" flyer below. Seeing this at the entrance to this exhibition confirmed my personal wrestling about "WHY"...)...for now...
--Be sure to read the background story under the video...
Cross Exhibition @ Sisters of St. Joseph Brentwood
Here are the separate videos I took this month at the exhibition of crosses and crucifixes in the Kean Window Gallery - Bldg. 5 on the Brentwood campus of the Sisters of St. Joseph. I am waiting for a friend to show me how to merge them together...
--Click the PLAY arrow in the first video then all the others will auto-play.
I transition from promoter to participating artist with this entry (video includes what led to this change):
Universal Christ: Hindu Krishna Das rides the rails with Jesus...
For years, I've enjoyed Krishna in person and online...
Cross Posts
Semana Santa (Holy Week) Posts
#music #Cream #RobertJohnson #HolyWeek #Cross #Exhibition #Jesus #SistersOfSaintJoseph #solidarity #KrishnaDas