At several of NYC's annual "Procession of the Ghouls" - at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine - I've dressed as Saint Francis of Assisi. My contribution to bringing some playful positivity to a church full of demons.
See link at bottom of post for my 2023 adventures at this "holy" version of "Animal House"...
Also, at the bottom - the place preferred by Francis - you'll find a link to a new post about this man and the friar who introduced me to him: Richard Rohr.
Here I am at the Cathedral with Bishop "Mitered Joe Young"...

And Steve gave SHAPES to all the animals...

If the lion can lay down with the lamb...let us lay our "Burdon's" down too and celebrate the city on the hill named after the saint for today: FRANCISCO...

"Feel all right
On a warm San Franciscan night
The children are cool
They don't raise fools
It's an American dream
Includes Indians too"
SEQUE: The Animals - Gratefully Dead

[from the description] The still astounding Gratefully Dead remains one of the jewels in the Animals' acid rock crown. Burdon was hanging out with the likes of Ron 'Pigpen' McKernan from the Grateful Dead at the time, and the connection is likely the inspiration behind the song's title, although the track itself is more aggressive than anything the Dead ever committed to vinyl.
Comic Interlude...

From the Old Testament Book of A T at Sea...We cover you rain...or***
***see Terms and Conditions

Carnivore Cruises...

Speaking of out for these modern day throwbacks...

Continuing the Reptilian Vibe...

Pigpen "Dewing" the lead...

Let's "Dew" it again...I love this next classic arcade photo machine capture...Let the good times roll....I liked these next two "oldies" from the family album...just posting the pics.


Wharf Rats: SOBER Deadheads (Yup! You read it right!)
To find them at shows look for their YELLOW BALLOONS:

Get on your Marx, Get set...GO...

Into the Woods...

Follow the Rabbit...

White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane (On Smothers Brothers) (03:14) NEXT: Video clips from "Alice in Wonderland"(1903) by Cecil Hepworth & Percy Stow, with May Clark as Alice.

Animal House
CAUTION: Practice YOGA...before attempting TOGA...

2023 Procession of the Ghouls

Related Post on Francis

#music #humor #animals #SaintFrancisOfAssisi #BobDylan #SteveMartin #EricBurdun #TheAnimals #SimonAndGarfunkel #TheMuppetShow #NoahsArk #Pigpen #PETA #WharfRats #sober #recovery #AA #MarxBrothers #TheMenagerie #AliceInWonderland #JeffersonAirplane #InstantFlight #SmothersBrothers #FarmAid #AnimalHouse #ProcessionOfTheGhouls