Yogi YouTube has done it again...
This morning she served up a new artist - Krishna Kaur - G-d garbed as a black female in tribal attire - think Octavia Spencer in William Paul Young's "The Shack."
Not only black but also a musician...As I hung out with her in my kundalini yoga practice, she blew away the blues with the accompanying hot and cool wind instrument and her comforting words of wisdom...Mother Mary came to me speaking...
G-d is in the breath...
G-d breathed into dirt...the mud...the woman...the man and they became living things...
Krishna Kaur Khalsa, a yogini (female form of "yogi") and teacher in the kundalini form of yoga that I practice is also the first black artist/practitioner that I've met.
My circle is widening...my heart is expanding...
"Krishna Kaur, a dynamic, heart centered Yoga teacher, began studying Kundalini Yoga in 1970, and she has passionately taught the art and science of Kundalini Yoga and Self Awareness for 40 years. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from her teaching in Africa, Mexico, and inner cities throughout the United States. A master teacher trainer of Kundalini Yoga, she conducts workshops in Canada, Europe, and Latin America. She is certified by the 3HO Foundation and the Kundalini Research Institute as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Trainer of both Level I and II. She is the regional coordinator for 3HO Africa, which unites Kundalini Yoga in Africa.
Krishna also founded and runs Y.O.G.A. for Youth, a non-profit dedicated to training yoga teachers to work with at-risk youth and creating yoga programs in schools and juvenile facilities. Krishna opened the first yoga center in South Central Los Angeles and continues to train yoga teachers, teach workshops, and bring yoga to the underserved populations throughout the world. She currently lives in Los Angeles, California."
Give Your Self a Gift...
I recommend that you give your body and spirit (they are really ONE) a gift - listen to this as a whole...receive whatever you need from the Generous Giver that knows what we need right in this present moment...

Longing - Krishna Kaur (YouTube set list created by Musiqaa - see below for more)
"Krishna Kaur her second solo album is a mixture of mantra, devotional poetry, R&B and jazz. Accompanied by C.C. White and Lina Wade on vocals, as well as saxophone, guitars, keyboards, percussion, and flute."
00:00 ⋄ Ong Namo
05:22 ⋄ Namo Namo
12:57 ⋄ Memories
24:17 ⋄ Hari will stand by you
31:01 ⋄ Ram Bhajh Pranee Re
38:32 ⋄ Man Jeetai Jagjeet
45:44 ⋄ Aadays Tisai Aadays
If you've followed my posts on my blog or Facebook, you'll know that empowering our young is one of my desires. THEY ARE OUR FUTURE!!! So, it seems natural that I'd be led to this teacher of youth. If you work with youth or simply have a heart for them - especially those whose behavior cries out,
- read the following from the Y.O.G.A for Youth site:
"Y.O.G.A. for Youth is deeply concerned about youth throughout this country and indeed around the world. For us it is important to assure that the adults taking the training will leave prepared to give a child tools to discover their own personal greatness that will help them make better choices in their lives, even when things don’t go their way.
Since its inception in 1993, Y.O.G.A. for Youth has served over 16,000 young people in Los Angeles county alone. A division of Y.O.G.A., Inc, Y.O.G.A. for Youth is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to creating opportunities for youth to practice yoga and relaxation in schools, community facilities, hospitals and detention centers.
To that end, we train adults to teach yoga postures, yoga kriyas, meditations and powerful breathing techniques to:
Build confidence;
Become mindful;
Take responsibility for their actions;
Become courageous “peaceful warriors”;
Learn self regulation;
Act and not react to the things they cannot control;
Respect self, others and community; and
Find ways to access their kindness."
Notice that this last mindful "bullet" contains the same spirit and power of "kindness" that we're called to by the apostles of love:
John from Galilee, the beloved disciple, "LOVE one another..."
Paul from Tarsus - "love is kind, patient..."
John from Liverpool - "All you need is love..." (3:39)
Paul from Liverpool - "Silly Love Songs" (5:54)
Jerry from San Francisco - "Woah, oh, what I want to know...Is are you kind? (Uncle John's Band) (8:41)
"Ain't no time to hate...barely time to wait..."
Lots of mindful music to raise your soul to new heights...Subscribe...By so doing, you let the Universe know what resonates with you...You cooperate with your healing...