Just mixed up some prescription music for a friend whose body is hurting.
Use as directed...
Take 3 and call me in the morning...
WARNING: Music can cause uncontrolled head bobbing, foot tapping, bodily gyrations, loud singing...
1. From the "Capsule" theater in Port Chester, NY:

2. From the Royal Albert Hall Pharmacy

3. From the same musical dispensary

5. Extra Strength...Jazzing it up...
For Peggy and other cats that dig jazz...

Laffter is the best medicine...
Take as much as your sides can bear...

For Larry Febo and other pickers and strummers...

Ringo also suggested changing their names from the "POLKA DOTS."

For those in law enforcement...especially those who had concert duty....

Environmentally savvy...

A Head of his time...signature...

Calls for a Song: Classical Gas
Mason Williams was the head writer for The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour at the time of the piece's release and premiered the composition on the show. Williams performed it several times over several episodes.
First, here's Mason providing some backstory... Cousin Bobby, "EYE" don't mean no harm toward the network where you worked...

Post Op
There's so much research being done...check i\the topic out on the web...
