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Writer's pictureThomas Tittmann

Let's let go of our MONOCHROME identities...and MIX...

These reflections began a few days ago as I left on my daily walk around town. Only a few feet from home, as I was walking by the George Washington Elementary School field, I spotted some color ahead. As I got closer, I saw the likely colorful remnants of a child's handiwork at the recent week of "Camp Invention". Here's an article on the 2023 program.

Camp Invention is a STEM-related summer camp program for students in grades K-6 that turns curious campers into innovative thinkers. The camp took place at George Washington School as students took part in numerous activities such as crafting a skate park, creating party props through arts and crafts, and blow painting with straws. Additionally, some of West Hempstead’s Secondary School students volunteered as camp counselors for their younger peers. Article link.

Among the article's photos, this one fired my automotive imagination...A friend Steve, who first taught me to turn wrenches called this CAReer choice/craft:

"Playing with cars..."

"Three deuces and a four speed..."

Back to the Story...

So, I came closer my eyes beheld a "message"...and, while not in a called for a post...

PURPLE Politics

Great Expectations...finding this next 2023 article...

"The term 'purple' refers to the blending of red (Republican) and blue (Democratic) ideologies. Purple parties are made up of voters who identify as politically independent and reject the binary nature of the two-party system. Instead, they seek to create a more inclusive and centrist political environment that values compromise and bipartisanship."

PURPLE Power Music...

PURPLE Playful Music

For kids of all ages...

This next version has historical value...I was 20...

Yes, there's even a movie that includes appearance by Chubby Checker and Little Richard...

A song to continue the automotive references above and in my last post...


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