I'm gonna try another post - just stream of consciousness (and hopefully, some unconsciousness) and see what emerges...After all, this mirrors life...it's all unfolding before us...mostly unreHEARSEed...from now til we're in the HEARSE.
"When they come to take you down When they bring that wagon around When they come to call on you And drag your poor body down Just one thing I ask of you There's just one thing for me Please forget you knew my name My darlin' Sugaree"

Earlier this afternoon, as I went for my usual daily walk around my neighborhood, I queued up "Ripple" by Playing for Change (PFC) and it was my soundtrack...on the track of life.
Like many of PFC's tunes, there are many famous musicians lending their talent. Among the other notables in this cover are drummer Bill Kreutzmann and Jerry's daughter Keelin.
Jerry Garcia instrumental cover of Imagine with Bronx video footage - check it out!!!
Editor's note: This is the second time I was led to this video...I also think that it's no coincidence that Eileen and I and John just finished watching the movie
"Motherless Brooklyn" - Edward Norton's 2019 take on NYC's Robert Moses - called a Power Broker. According to this movie, Moses displaced a lot of poor and minority folks to build his bridges, roads and parks...his EMPIRE...
IMAGINE...no religion...no government...no greed...no selfishness...I know YOU can...so let's continue to use our music as medicine to transform this world that's in so much pain...

Sportin more than A Touch of Grey (filmed with only a skeleton crew)
'What's Goin' On' Jerry Garcia & Merl Saunders - 1/22/75 Keystone Berkeley, CA. More than a songwriter...I didn't know this...one of the joys of blogging...
The above article includes this next video

Ram Dass, Jerry Garcia & all awakened souls...

A new off-the-beaten-path path presents itself...will you follow it???
"Quiet down the mind the more the song will play..."
mama well she told me time is such a wonderful gift
you're not running out
you're really running in
confusion clouds the heart but it also points the way
quiet down the mind
the more the song will play
you can't rush your healing
darkness has its teachings
love is never leaving
you can't rush your healing
your healing
your healing
your healing
your healing

--interestingly, in "Motherless Brooklyn cited about the Robert Moses character - Moses Randolph - cites the courage and imagination of Fredrick Law Olmstead, Central Park's designer.

Jerry, R.I.P.ple...
Here's the master givin his famous four-finger salute...

How cool - this article was just posted today...AND...it includes great music clips...
...TODAY is the first DAY of the REST of your life...and mine, too...
