START “HEAR”: One More Saturday Night – Grateful Dead (5/27/72) (04:09)
“Weir” Everywhere…from Europe ’72 Tour
“Sometimes we visit your countries and stay in your homes…”
Put on your dancing shoes and get out on the floor…Bob is a true howling “wolf” - a foretaste of his future Wolf Brothers spinoff…and Pigpen is on organ…

…In the beginning…the first Saturday night...
In my version of the GRATE News (upgrade from “Good”), after 6 days when the heavy lifting of creation was done, the Chief Musician on that first Saturday night, looked out at what had been accomplished and…
“Then God way up in heaven, for whatever it was worth
Thought he'd have a big old party, thought he'd call it Planet Earth
Don't worry about tomorrow, Lord, you'll know it when it comes
When the rock and roll music meets the rising, shining sun”

…needs something else…

Some of my Best Saturday Nights
· My first – Sept. 27, 1947 – as my Mom ushered me into the big dance hall. I was the first of 7. Thanks, Mom!
· In our single years, my buddies and I would rent halls and throw awesome parties. They were usually on Saturday nights at venues like VFW Halls and Masonic Temples. Sometimes we’d attract the attention of the local constabulary and wonder how come they knew just where to find our stash. Always a “grate” time for everyone.
· At Saturday night parties at friend’s places, we’d stop everything to watch the latest antics in Saturday Night Live.
· The best - I met Eileen in a local bar (10 Downing Street on Metropolitan Avenue)…a few years later, on a Saturday night, I proposed to her on a weekend retreat…this was followed by our union in a monastery on the same holy grounds. All stories for another post.
· Oct. 8, 1988 Our son John’s arrival. Taking some artistic license here on night and day…Eileen ushered him into the big recital hall minutes after 12 AM - as two songs played consecutively over the Mercy Hospital (RVC) PA: Morning Has Broken and Here Comes the Sun (which became “son”).
· Aug. 6, 2022 I’m sitting here at the keys writing about Jerry and the Grateful Dead. I love my job!
Jerry & the Grateful Dead Make their Debut on Saturday Night Live - 11/11/78

“It’s a “buck” dancer’s choice my friend better take my advice…”…and listen to this episode…
Buck Henry/The Grateful Dead. Sketches include--"Concession Speech,", "Rovco Chinch Canch" commercial parody, "Samurai Optometrist," "Uncle Roy #1," "The Death of Rasputin," "Nick Sands, the Lounge Singer," More Flu To Worry About, and "St. Mickey's Knights of Columbus."
The Grateful Dead perform:
Casey Jones (23:15-26:55)
I Need a Miracle (50:50-54:02)
Good Lovin (54:03-58:00)
--check out the smiles on their faces…the band is really enjoying one more Saturday night…
--check out Bobby’s headgear
"We're from France" (part of Europe '72 tour?)

Greatest Stories Ever Told - "One More Saturday Night" – David Dodds
As I’ve said in other posts, this is my go-to for dives into Dead songs.
According to Dodds, this is Bob’s song. Here are a few comments from the post:
“There aren’t all that many originals in the Dead repertoire that adhere to a fairly straight-ahead rock and roll progression. I think every band should have at least one. And as Garcia once said: ‘Cause, playing rock and’s fun!’ And the big walk-up in the middle is always a blast to hear.”
“Weir played around with the words some over the years, depending who was in office. During the Reagan years, he would refer to Nancy and Ron. With Bush in office, he would stick the word “George” in there—'His wife say don’t get crazy, George, you know just what to do...’ (There’s evidence he did this with both Bushes, though obviously, not with the Dead.)
The song was first performed on October 19, 1971, by the Grateful Dead. Aside from Ace, it also appeared on the Dead's Europe '72 live album. After 1972, it became a regular part of the Dead's repertoire, and as might be expected, was frequently heard on Saturday shows; with its short, compact form and energetic crescendoes, it was a popular break from some of the Dead's more challenging pieces. It has continued to be regularly performed by post-Grateful Dead collaboratives, including The Other Ones, Phil Lesh & Friends, The Dead, Furthur, RatDog, Dead & Company, and various solo Weir projects.
U. S. Senator (D-MN), comedian, and political commentator Al Franken, a Grateful Dead fan who used the group's music on his radio show, named his 1986 comedy film One More Saturday Night after the song. Basketball player and Deadhead Bill Walton's 2000s Sirius satellite radio show is named after the song.

--show finale
Move over, John...Big Boss Man's in town tonight...and he's got the fever AND he's got the cure...


-- When Mr. Weed dies, the toy factory shuts down, and Peter is out of a job. Now with the chance, Peter decides to fulfill his dream to become a Knight at the Renaissance Fair. However, when his role model the Black Knight turns out to be a jerk, Peter becomes discouraged.
That's what I thought until I just found this sequitor...continue below Jimi...

--they ALMOST got to play together...article includes the Dead doing Jimi's "All Along the Watchtower."

Good Night, All...