As I took in last evening’s annual Macy’s 4th of July Parade, I wasn’t TAKEN IN by the festivities excitement…
Rather, I was…and still AM…deeply disappointed that the hopeful messages that
WE THE PEOPLE were given, amidst fanfare and fireworks…
Sadly, ain’t a reality for many in our nation...As the old song goes:
"It ain't necessarily so..."
We saw a colorful palette of presenters and participants on and off the staged event.
Maybe someday what those Harlem children and others sang about will actually be a reality…
I was especially saddened that the young members on the television and those in the home audiences were NOT shown the harsh truth of how work still needs to be done to
FORM the more perfect union that was alluded to.
Sadly, I expect that many ordinary people are still very uninFORMed about this truth. At the same time, I AM encouraged that I’m fortunate to be among people who ARE working diligently to bring this more perfect union into FORMation…
On a positive note, my favorite part of the evening’s festivities was the MOTOWN REVIEW. The performers‘ energy actually got me to move away from my writing desk, and I got up and began to “Dance to the Music”…Here's a teaser...

Just what the truth is...We can't tell anymore...SO...
...Let's tell it from the mountain...from sea to shining sea...
Here's the TRUTH:

We gotta wake the sleepers...beginning with OURSELVES...

Let's find ways to work together to remove the bottlenecks to peace and harmony among all peoples...EXCEPT, the bottlenecks on our weapons of change: Our GUITARS:

Viewer Discretion Advised:
If there isn't any "FUN" in your FUNdamentalism, you probably won't like this next parody and consider their "scat" as "scatological" because it's not "theological"...their version, that is...

Imagine with me that this next song is a wake up call...
Sadly, in the Blue Brothers movie scene that features this number, fullback Jim Brown leaves the playing field and Aretha to hang out with his buddies...BUT...
They're on a mission from G-d...AND...They, as WE THE PEOPLE do...We never ask questions when G-d's on our side...
For God and Country: Mixing Politics and Religion is an often toxic combination for WE the ORDINARY people…
Last night's songs included some lyrics that mentioned G-d's blessings on our land...Slippery slope...Let's take a further look...BUT, let's watch our steps as this is definitely NOT Higher Ground...

Don't be afraid...there's more TRUTH inside...
#music #humor #Macys #parade #discrimination #SlyFamilyStone #ArethaFranklin #NatKingCole #CabCalloway #BluesBrothers #StevieWonder #PlayingForChange