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Happy Birthday to a Vet...eran of life's adventures...

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Dr. Allys, VMD,

Along our paths, we are provided with times to pause…to reflect…to imagine…to dream…

Birthdays can be what some call “liminal spaces”…places of transition…between what was and what will be…

From yours truly...Major Tom...

"This is Ground Control to Doctor Allys

You've really made the grade

And the papers want to know whose pet treats you serve..."

Readers: Among the other animals on life's Animal Farms, Dr. Allys took care of horses. Here's a little about her mission:

Allys Maybank VMD, Natural Philosopher – I always loved science. As a child I had a chemistry lab in the basement. I made plaster molds of the paw prints I found in empty NYC lots. I entered every science fair. My father and I looked at the night sky with his father’s telescope. In college I leaned that science was natural philosophy. I learned numberless math. I learned that in the creation of the universe and evolution of the species nothing was ever lost. The single cell animal, the hydra, the fish, all of the phyla was still inside us; sometimes modified and called something else. I marveled at the retained embryological development of species as we went up the phyla. I broke the curve in embryology lab because I couldn’t marvel at it enough. I’ve done all kinds of medicine for all kinds of species. I learned that sometimes it is the latent unseen function of a retained evolutionary structure, or process, or response that is out of whack. And when that is the case our standard medical approaches are incomplete. [Source]

Music for the inner journey…Like when our last friend has left the party and we’re sitting there alone with our thoughts…

Here's Brian Wilson's ode from the female perspective...

For further liminal space exploration…

[Opening paragraph] In traditional descriptions, meditation is likened to training a horse. The sensations, impulses, and reactions in our bodies are like the untamed instincts of an animal, and when we take our seat in practice, we learn how to ride this energy with skill. As good equestrians know, the best way to ride a horse is not trying to control it with fear, force or frustration, but by confidently offering a partnership. We listen and respond to the horse’s needs for reassurance, guidance and gentleness, as well as recognizing its intuitive connection to the earth and environment. Based on what the horse tells us, we adjust our journey as needed, not losing sight of our intended destination. In this way, rider and horse can travel in harmony, each taking charge according to its strengths.

There...and Back Again...

Whenever you're ready, come back to NOW...the only place there ever is...


We've come full circle from our opening image...

Like your practice of alternative medicine for animals, here's an alternative take on this tune...including alternative forms of "horse" power...

These next lyrics remind us to how alone time can help us remember who we are...

"Horsepower" even includes an English sports model...

[from the opening paragraph] It’s one of the most famously mysterious songs ever to become a hit. It’s got enigma baked into it, which may be part of its lasting magic. Like Lennon’s “Norwegian Wood,” and other great though cryptic songs, it doesn’t fill in the entire picture, leaving it instead up to the listener to do that on their own.

Horse Sense

This creature lives on a pasture in nearby Garden City. The artist crafted the town's symbol - a pineapple - on the creature's forehead...It's in the same place as a human's pineal gland...A.K.A. "the third eye"...the seat of wisdom...

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