Pascale, A lot of water has flowed under the bridges of our lives since we first met in the Peter & Paul Charismatic Prayer Group in the 1970's. Eileen and I loved hanging out with you and your cousin Genevieve in your homes and at the prayer group. You "youngsters" were the first people from Haiti we got to know. It was also special to stay at Chez Williams when Eileen, John and I went upstate to visit you and Glenn and your children.
I chose the word "hummingbird" because it's the logo of the company that makes the actual paper card I will be mailing tomorrow on your actual birthday. Which you happen to share with my incarnation day.
Here's the card and the insert that was enclosed:
Some songs for celebration...
Pascale, feel free to break out your guitar and play along...
The Creator definitely likes VARIETY...Here are two in shades of my favorite colors...
I selected this next version because it taught me something I hadn't known about this song's origins.
"The Seals & Crofts song "Hummingbird" is about Baha'u'llah, the Manifestation of God's Will for a human race in desperate need of spiritual understanding, inspiration and purpose." Source: Facebook
"Jimmy [Seals] never lost the humility and the desire to unite humanity that characterized his music. His presence generated love, not just among his family and his friends but among everyone he met." Source
(for more on the lives of these two wonderful musicians click the "Source" link)
FYI - For some time Eileen and I have been hanging out with caring and compassionate members of a Long Island Baha'i Fellowship. We gather in homes and at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum State Park in Great River. Our gatherings frequently involve tasty food. YUM!
I've posted about them in several places on my blog.
Grab yer partner, dosey Do, Re, Me...
I liked the message that's part of the current Haitian flag:
L'Union fait la Force ("Unity makes strength")
Jack Johnson's Island-style music is healthcare: Physical. Mental & Spiritual...
We can make a difference...a story for children and adults who are willing to be...
Closing number...
Watch BB's face take us through the full range of emotions that love can evoke...