RICHIE: Wonder-full!!! Through you and MaryAnn and your offspring... another soul has found a body…
Name This Child...

Eden + Ciel (“sky” in French)

--One site says people who like the name Ciel also like:
Theo, Sebastian, Lucien, Finn, Noah, Ronan, Felix, Anais, Aurora, Evangeline, Luna, Camille, Genevieve, Cosette
“Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning Born of the one light, Eden saw play”
--This song was playing over the PA system at midnight in Mercy Hospital on October 8, 1988 as Eileen was guiding our son John into this world of form...
Another beautiful version...
Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken (03:19)

Let's set our intention: May Eden grow up into the space imagined by this next soul and those like him...
“Above us only sky…”

Another version...
IMAGINE. (Ultimate Mix, 2020) - John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band (03:53) A "sky" song bursting with feminine energy…

Grateful Peanuts
Never too early to share with our little ones the realities of life and death, gain and loss...with a light touch…

--while the above image is playful, the song's lyrics are DEADly are the video's images of children performing acts of civil disobedience.
--Save it for an appropriate time in her life...

--For Kids - features the Banana Splits
--For Kids of all ages
Golden Road Mashup (05:21) featuring Alice, Frank Zappa, and other assorted and sordid characters...
--For Adults...Awesome fun...
And now for something completely different…
...Just another example of your "Uncle" Steve's wisdom (he's your Grandpa's friend who lives in the woods in East Hampton):
"There's a Grateful Dead song for every occasion."

GRATEFUL KIDS...from the beginning

For the HoliDAZE

Sometimes the Night Light's all shining on you...
Kinda looks like your Grandpa once looked


The Other One-zy (11:02) (for the adults)
Early transportation

Toddler Bear

For her first day at school

Ripple Dance Studio
PT Class at the beach
Eden might ask, "Grandpa, what did you "Dew" when you were younger?"

Tye-Dye Chi
Mountain Girl pose

Family Pic-i-nick Bears (sorry, Yogi)
--With Care Bears replacing dancing bears, the officially-licensed Igloo cooler is perfect for your next long strange trip


Alternative DEADucation

When she's older...let her pick her team...from these...or others...

SIKH...and you shall find...
These next songs for children of all ages are from a musician I was introduced to when I enrolled in a Kundalini yoga class at Echo Park in West Hempstead, NY. Elena, our teacher played her in every class. When I started to listen to her in my home practices, Yogi YouTube began recommending similar artists and my musical soul began waking up...
"The more you love music...the more music you love."
--Ryan Flynn, Malverne, NY
Snatam is from the Sikh tradition. These and other songs offer children examples of positive self-affirmations...
"I AM..."
--same as above with beautiful images of children
Another artist from this tradition
--toddler has the original masters teaching her poses like cat stretch and downward-facing dog...
Black light poster art...Day the beginning...

--this song is about the Garden of Eden but when the band recorded it, they had been drinking to much wine and famously slurred out these words...
--This article led me to this next video
--For Adults (HELLarious!!!)
#music #humor #Peanuts #GratefulDead #YusufCatStevens #JohnLennon #RockAndRollPlayhouse #BartonHillsChoir #TheSimpsons #KidsRockChorus #NormanGreenbaum