Donna "K",
Birthday Greetings!
“Initially” I thought of sending you a serious card…But…😁…something got a hold on me…put a “spell” on me…
It was fun celebrating your birthday this week at Witches Brew Coffee House - a place where we are always greeted by the beautiful and tasty dessert displays!!!
As Nanny, my Irish grandmother used to say:
"Life's short...Eat dessert first..."

Main Course...May I take your order...or your picture?

Next, Invitations...
"B" sure to invite a “bunch” of your friends to your party. I took the liberty of sending out invitations to the gang...

Birthdays don't have to "B" repetitious...But, they should "B"
Here’s a 60’s influenced greeting from you know who. Oh! And to their existential question:
“Do I have do this all over again?”

Say, “YES!!!”
But “B” glad you’re birthday isn’t February 2nd and you're asked that same question 🤔

70’s…Electrical Bananas…

Blame it on Bette or Keith or Mel or Steve or the Bossa Nova or Rio...
…but I think my association with horror & music maven Keith Crocker is starting to affect my judgment…🤔 AND I’m…

“B” come as a little child…
Let’s imagine a kid’s science-themed birthday party and instead of inviting Bozo the Clown or Bill Murray, we’ll invite Bill Nye the Science Guy:

Look out, “L” “I” “L” “C” “O”…"P" "S" "E" & "G"...

Health Education Class for us older "children"

Environmental Science Class
Let's "B" sure to peel back the outer humor and pay attention to the serious message inside these and the rest of the lyrics:
"...I look out my window, but I can't see the sky
'Cos the air pollution is fogging up my eyes
I want to get out of this city alive
And make like an ape man..."

Tooth "D" "K"...Dental Hygiene Class
Leader of the Plaque...

“P”. “S”.
Thematically relevant… Or, “I” “C” the 💡

"There's a Grateful Dead song for every occasion" says Steve - a friend and fellow surfer - who introduced me to my career profession - which he affectionately called: "Playing with cars" -

With my friend Brian at a Half Step show at the Malverne "L" "I" "R" "R" station in Oct. 2022...
Halloween and New Year's Eve are "high" holy days for Deadheads...extra magic and mystery in the air...All Aboard...and never bored...

Adieu, ma cheri...
Okay, "I’ve been in my mind…it’s such a fine mind"…and it just brought something SIRIUS into this greeting...

"SERIOUSly"...As I “C” it, this next song describes how people who know “U”, feel about “U”…😘

Enjoy being “U”!
tOM #Donna #music #humor #DonkeyKong #MelBrooks #HistoryOfTheWorldPart1 #TheMonkees #BillMurray #GroundhogDay #Donovan #DaveClarkFive #BetteMidler #HocusPocus #TheKinks #SNL #SaturdayNightLive #SteveMartin #LittleShopOfHorrors #SiriusBlack #HarryPotter #HalfStepBand #SesameStreet #SmokeyRobinson #GratefulDead #SteveB #WitchesBrewCoffeeHouse #10Commandments #Brian