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9/11: "Ain't no time to hate..."...unle$$ we can turn a profit...

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

"War is not the answer...for only LOVE can conquer hate..."

Let's pause to remember all those who've died in ALL nations...because of hate...

This next one's for A. J. - Witches Brew Coffee House barista and Grateful Dead subject matter expert...who's been introducing me to another of his favorite bands: Phish...

Let'$ ROOT Cau$e the problem...

"The LOVE of money I$ THE ROOT of all kind$ of evil..."

The RICH MAN pull$ the $tring$...PUR$E $tring$ of the politician$ who then $end our ordinary young men and women off to war to do their dirty money BU$INE$$

War machine if BIG BUSINE$$...and affect$ matter what $ide of the AI$LE we're on...

--This prote$t again$t the god$ of war occured in February 1988 when our son John wa$ $till a mere embryo...

Party Colors

Purple Party

Purple party - Mixture of Blue AND Red...Rather than the dualistic blue OR red

Grey Party

Grey party - Mixture of Black AND White...Rather than the dualistic black OR white

"Hears" a hopeful sign...the Austin TX kids are a new breed of "Jerry's Kids"...

I like how the song progresses from "I will get by" "WE will get by..."

Buddhist Middle Way

This guy's a popular teacher and presents this paradigm in simple, everyday terms.

Headcount: We vote with our FEET...

The Grateful Dead's Bob Weir is a national spokesperson for this organization that sets up tables at music shows of lots of groups and encourages people to register to vote.

It's a HOPEFUL day in the neighborhood...

Spotted on a neighbor's lawn today...

Let's go out singing...and dancing...

Check out all the folks who joined together in celebrating...

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